Monday, January 17, 2011

Today is 1.17.11 - Martin Luther King Day.

Many of us in Arizona, and others around the country collectively mourn for those in Tuscon who were recently affected by the shooting tragedy there.

"Hate cannot drive out pain, only love can do that." - Martin Luther King

I have a question..... How did we get so far from AHIMISA?? Ahimsa not only means non-violence and non-harming; but having kindness, compassion and forgiveness in thoughts, words and actions toward ALL living beings and respect for the views of others.

Jainism is one of, if not the earliest religion recorded in history. It's teachings were rooted in Ahimsa. Its philosophy and practice emphasizes the necessity of self effort to move the soul towards divine consciousness and liberation. Regarding every living being as you do yourself, harming no one.

What a different place the world would be if everyone could be committed to this one virtue.

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere!" Martin Luther King

Mr. King has inspired me on this day to recommit myself in the practice of Ahimsa. Perhaps he can inspire you too!