Friday, December 24, 2010

2011...a new perspective

2011, around the corner! Wow! The other night at dinner, my husband, Tom said, "I think I finally found my Dharma." After a couple of bumpy years in the economy, and basically reinventing the wheel, it's interesting to look back and see the flowers that take root when you're in the mudd. Looking back over 2010 I see how my yoga teachers, colleagues, and students, have taught me a lot about yoga and life!

I loved the questions that Paulette Bodeman, one of my beloved Anusara yoga teachers, asked in class yesterday on Christmas Eve. "How do you live your life?" How do you stand when it gets tough? Can you surrender to the Shakti?" (Shakti is that feminine part of self that loves to dance and create beauty.) When we connect to the Absolute, and keep our eye on the target, the Shakti inevidably has our back!

We all have to tread through the mudd, sometimes. The question is are you living your Dharma? Or should I say, "Are you living in Dharmony? - Lol"

There has been much talk about Dharma (duty, life purpose, or loving service) in my classes and others I've attended this month, and one thing is certain... We are in this together, we need each other! Yoga mimics life.... it makes me smile!

A quote I love for the New Year...

"If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other."
Mother Theresa

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